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Re: Bootstrap problem

Am 15.06.21 um 22:10 schrieb Shengjing Zhu:
So what I need to do is
1. package the earlier commit of github.com/zmap/zcertificate which has no
2. build github.com/zmap/zcrypto using the older version
3. build recent version of github.com/zmap/zcertificate
4. build github.com/smallstep/zcrypto using the newer version

I am wondering: Is it even possible to upload 2 Versions of the same exact
package to the same repos? Is there a debian way of solving this kind of
bootstrap problem? Advice is very appreciated :)

You don't need to enable all features for a library.
For example, in github.com/zmap/zcertificate, github.com/zmap/zcrypto
is only imported in it's cmd and test. So just excluding these
fearues, you can break the loop.

Makes sense, thanks! :)


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