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Re: Help for packaging shfmt


Aloïs Micard <alois@micard.lu>,
10/02/2021 – 18:39:50 (+0100):

> Here's a little review:
> - debian/changelog:
> * Initial release NMU (Closes: 982472)
> You do not need to add 'NMU', as your are an uploader of the package,
> you aren't doing an NMU, so just remove the 'NMU' mention. :)

> The Closes keyword need to be formatted like this: (Closes: #nnnn)
> so add an # before the bug number.

> debian/control:
> - Section: devel
> Can you change from devel to golang?
> we have our section now.

> - Standards-Version: 4.5.0
> Can you bump to 4.5.1 ? It's the latest one.
> see: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/
Done but I guess that the dh-make-golang tool should be updated then,
I'll open a PR tomorrow, putting it here for my record:

> - Description
> The description field is malformed, see:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#description
> basically you'll want to have a synopsis on the first line, and an extended
> description on the other lines, something like (only a suggestion):
> ```
> Description: go library used to create, modify, and print diffs
>   The top level package, diff, contains convenience functions for the most common uses.
>   .
>   The subpackages provide very fine-grained control over every aspect:
>   .
>   - myers creates diffs using the Myers diff algorithm.
>   - edit contains the core diff data types.
>   - ctxt provides tools to reduce the amount of context in a diff.
>   - write provides routines to write diffs in standard formats.
> ```

> - debian/copyright:
> - Copyright: Copyright 2018 Joshua Bleecher Snyder
> I think you should format it like:
> Copyright: 2018 Joshua Bleecher Snyder <josharian+github@gmail.com>

The CI is red but there is nothing I can do I presume (and the
gitlab-ci.yml header does not invite me to touch that :))

Lintian is green :)

Also what's the good way of squashing my commits? Or should I document
better the changes than 'fixup!' and not rebase?

Faustin Lammler
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