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Packaging review request

  I have done the packaging work for three Go libraries, and before
moving to the RFS stage, would like to request/invite review from this
team. Mostly I just want to be sure I'm following the team's preferred
packaging workflow; of course, general packaging advice is also

  Two packages were basically boilerplate that dh-make-golang largely
    * https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-github-jkeiser-iter
    * https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/golang-github-jaypipes-pcidb

  The third library was a bit more interesting, because its tests rely
on udev actually having created the /dev/zero device, which isn't
necessarily true in all build environments like containers or chroots.
I came up with a kind of ugly check in d/rules to determine whether or
not to run the tests at build time. It works for me performing builds
in a lxc container, gbp using cowbuild, and debuild directly on a
physical machine, but I'm open to any cleaner solutions. That package
is at

  All three packages I think would be ready to upload, so I've set
their changelogs to target unstable rather than UNRELEASED. Specific
tags for the versions haven't yet been created, in case there is
feedback to incorporate before uploading the package.


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