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Bug#993434: ITP: golang-github-itchyny-go-flags -- A fork version of
Anthony Fok
Bug#993436: ITP: golang-github-itchyny-timefmt-go -- Efficient time formatting library (strftime, strptime) for Go
Anthony Fok
Bug#993437: ITP: gojq -- pure Go implementation of jq
Anthony Fok
Bug#993442: ITP: golang-github-charmbracelet-glamour -- stylesheet-based Markdown rendering for your CLI apps
Anthony Fok
Re: a place for snowflake
Re: a place for snowflake
Nilesh Patra
Re: a place for snowflake
Bug#993586: ITP: golang-github-containous-alice -- Painless middleware chaining for Go
Alois Micard
Bug#993652: ITP: golang-github-bep-gowebp -- C bindings and an API for encoding WebP images (Go library)
Anthony Fok
Bug#993666: ITP: golang-github-davecgh-go-xdr -- Implements the XDR standard as specified in RFC 4506 in pure Go (Golang)
John Goerzen
Bug#993672: ITP: hjson-go -- Hjson for Go
John Goerzen
CI stuck for new packages
John Goerzen
Re: CI stuck for new packages
Shengjing Zhu
Re: CI stuck for new packages
John Goerzen
Re: CI stuck for new packages
Nilesh Patra
Bug#993695: ITP: golang-lukechampine-blake3 -- A pure-Go implementation of the BLAKE3 cryptographic hash function
John Goerzen
What to do with version conflicts?
John Goerzen
Re: What to do with version conflicts?
Nilesh Patra
Message not available
Re: What to do with version conflicts?
Aloïs Micard
Re: What to do with version conflicts?
Felix Lechner
Bug#993704: ITP: balloon -- Balloon password hashing
Bug#993706: ITP: golang-go.cypherpunks-recfile -- Pure Go implementation of GNU recutils/recfile databases
Bug#993709: ITP: golang-github-gabriel-vasile-mimetype -- fast Go library for detecting MIME types and extensions based on magic numbers
Anthony Fok
Request for Access
Bradford Boyle
Re: Request for Access
Utkarsh Gupta
How does the Debian build system avoid go.sum errors?
Re: How does the Debian build system avoid go.sum errors?
Michael Hudson-Doyle
Re: How does the Debian build system avoid go.sum errors?
Re: How does the Debian build system avoid go.sum errors?
Arnaud Rebillout
Re: How does the Debian build system avoid go.sum errors?
Re: How does the Debian build system avoid go.sum errors?
Pirate Praveen
Bug#994039: ITP: mirrorbits -- Geographical download redirector for distributing files efficiently across a set of mirrors.
Arnaud Rebillout
Bug#994071: ITP: aws-nuke -- Nuke a whole AWS account and delete all its resources.
Arthur Diniz
Bug#994074: ITP: kubernetes-split-yaml -- Split a giant yaml file into one file per Kubernetes resource
Arthur Diniz
Bug#994082: ITP: golang-github-uber-jaeger-lib -- A collection of shared infrastructure libraries used by different components of Jaeger.
Alois Micard
Bug#994083: ITP: golang-github-uber-jaeger-client-go -- Jaeger Bindings for Go OpenTracing API.
Alois Micard
Bug#994084: ITP: golang-github-uber-go-tally -- A Go metrics interface with fast buffered metrics and third party reporters
Alois Micard
Please review/upload two package updates
Arnaud Rebillout
Re: Please review/upload two package updates
Aloïs Micard
Review request for new/updated packages
Bradford Boyle
Re: Review request for new/updated packages
Aloïs Micard
Bug#994629: ITP: tml -- tiny tool and go library for markup language for terminal output
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
Bug#994630: ITP: golang-github-knqyf263-go-apk-version -- A golang library for parsing apk package versions
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
Bug#994669: ITP: golang-github-pkg-diff -- create, modify, and print diffs (Go module)
Anthony Fok
Bug#994812: ITP: golang-github-go-restruct-restruct -- binary (de)serialization library for Golang
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
Bug#994908: ITP: golang-github-containerd-stargz-snapshotter -- Fast container image distribution plugin with lazy pulling
Reinhard Tartler
status of building PIE
Daniel Milde
Bug#995219: ITP: gumble -- gumble is a Mumble client implementation in Go (golang)
Bradford D. Boyle
Bug#995383: ITP: golang-github-aquasecurity-go-dep-parser -- dependency parser for multiple programming languages in go
Nobuhiro Iwamatsu
The last update was on 14:20 GMT Thu Sep 30. There are 49 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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