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Re: requesting membership on salsa


On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 05:24:44PM +0100, Peymaneh Nejad wrote:
> Hello,
> I plan to apply for GSoC with the project "packaging caddy for debian"[1]
> and have packaged one of its dependencies as an application task.
> I have filed an ITP[2] and have requested membership to the go-team salsa
> group so I can upload my Code there.
> Also, when done uploading, I would be
> glad if someone would like to review it and eventually sponsor its upload.
> I am not sure how the permissions in the group work: At the pkg-privacy-team
> salsa group where I am an unpriviliged member, I cannot create new repos
> myself.

Your accesss level is of a "developer" (on salsa) there. You need to
have an access level of maintainer or above to create and push to repos.
Maybe you could ask the owner of the team to do so for you.

> If the same goes for go-team/packages, I would also kindly ask that
> someone creates an empty repo for golang-github-aryann-difflib-dev for me.

Please note that the source package name will be
"golang-github-aryann-difflib" it is instead the binary package which
will have -dev suffixed. There are plenty examples in the go team to
look at.

I created such a repository and granted you maintainer permissions only for
that repository to push. I am not an owner and hence cannot add you into
the team.
But this should anyway do the job for this package :-)

PS: Please consider to mention your salsa username: "peymaneh" next time you ask for


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