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Re: Help for packaging shfmt


Regarding golang-github-pkg-diff, it's now on the mentors platform
https://mentors.debian.net/package/golang-github-pkg-diff/ and I have
asked for a sponsor today on the Debian mentors ML.

The next dependency is https://mvdan.cc/editorconfig that is hosted at
https://github.com/mvdan/editorconfig but as discussed with the
maintainer, he does not want to be stuck with a specific VCS system
(that's why he created a pointer from a domain he owns) so I will go
with golang-mvdan-editorconfig as name.

Everything seems OK but I have a problem while building the package
because the test suite depends of a git submodule
| $ go test
| --- FAIL: TestViaCmake (0.00s)
|     editorconfig_test.go:34: chdir core-test: no such file or directory

How should I handle this? Also, can someone from salsa go-team give me
push access to

Finally, there are 2 other dependencies:
- "mvdan.cc/sh/v3/fileutil" (https://github.com/mvdan/sh/tree/master/fileutil)
- "mvdan.cc/sh/v3/syntax"	(https://github.com/mvdan/sh/tree/master/syntax)

Those are pointers to modules in the same git repository as shfmt and
it's not clear to me if I should create 2 new packages
(golang-mvdan-fileutil and golang-mvdan-syntax) or just one containing
both, and what would be the debian/rules file like. I guess that using
dh-make-goland for this specific scenario is not possible?


Faustin Lammler
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