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Re: gopasspw packaging (#901133)


On 30/3/19 8:01 PM, Balasankar C wrote:

> Hi all, I am interested in packaging gopasspw[0], and have marked the
corresponding bug(#901133) to an ITP.
> I have written a few Go programs as hobby projects, but am new to
packaging (I usually package Ruby libraries).
> So, any help is much appreciated.

After few months, I finally found some time to pick it back up. The
remaining dependencies of gopasspw are
1. github.com/dominikschulz/github-releases
2. github.com/hashicorp/vault

I plan to package github-releases soon once its own dependencies are in
the archive.

vault is a bit big[0] and a bit tricky. gopasspw does not require the
entire vault codebase, but parts of it.
Specifically things from api[1] and sdk[2] directories.

So for now, I am thinking of keeping vault related stuff bundled in the
source of gopasspw for building
instead of attempting to package vault completely. How does the team
feel about that?

If bundling is absolutely not an option and vault must be packaged, I
would need help from others to complete that.

I've pushed my current plan to Salsa[3], bundling vault stuff. It
doesn't build yet, but had to start

[1] https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/tree/master/api
[2] https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/tree/master/sdk/helper
[3] https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/gopasspw


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