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Re: Debconf19 - Who's going ? Let's have a BoF !

On 07/05/2019 17:17, Shengjing Zhu wrote:
> On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 11:03 PM Clément Hermann <nodens@nodens.org> wrote:
>> Who's going to Debconf this year ? I am :)
> FTR, I will go hopefully...

Ok, not sure it's worth having a BoF if we're only 2 members of the
team. Unless people want to attend remotely, as that has been done in
the past for Perl BoF. It works, but it means we need at least:
- one person to facilitate
- one (preferably 2) person to take notes
- one person to take questions/remarks from IRC and relay them - or we
need to beam the IRC channel at least (but it would be nicer to relay
questions/remarks from IRC anyway for accessibility reasons).

There was quite a few people at the last one, so it might be worth it
anyway. But I'd like to have a couple more interested people chiming in
before submitting a BoF :)



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