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Re: irtt, salsa and build depends on golang-go

On Wed, 6 Feb 2019 at 21:23, Pete Heist <pete@heistp.net> wrote:
3) I’d like to build with the standard Go compiler instead of gccgo. I currently have this in Build-Depends in the control file:

Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 11),

Should I just replace golang-any with golang-go, or is it preferred that we actually support gccgo?

What’s your motivation to do so? Definitely leave a comment if you go that route. Also, note that this will mean that your package will be available on fewer architectures (some are supported by gccgo, but not by gc).

The irtt server that’s compiled with gccgo (amd64) can exit for no reason, and it doesn’t leave a log message, but there's no code path by which that should even be possible. It's easier to switch to a compiler I know than try to track it down. It can take a few days to reproduce. :)

You do realize that golang-any gets you the gc compiler on architectures that support it? Switching from golang-any to golang-go changes nothing on amd64.


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