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Bug#888073: glibc: Support amd64 systems without /lib64

On Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:57:20PM +0100, Javier Serrano Polo wrote:
> El dc 24 de 01 de 2018 a les 22:40 +0100, Sven Joachim va escriure:
> > Well, then you have to live with /lib64.
> I do not live with /lib64. You do not have to live with /lib64 unless
> you want to.

That path is baked into every single x86-64 binary compiled by any
compiler that builds for the well-defined GNU/Linux x86-64 ABI.  You
are free to patch all your compilers and your libc to build a system
that works differently, but you won't be ABI-compatible with the rest
of the Linux world, and it's nonsensical to expect Debian to make it
easy to build such a non-compatible system.

I've spent a lot of time dealing with ld.so paths upstream, and we
all agree that, given a time machine, we'd fix them all to be in /lib
and have unique names (see armhf or arm64 for examples), but while we
can change future ABIs, it's just not feasible to change an ABI that
has been in heavy use for well over a decade.

I appreciate that you think having a directory with one file in it is
ugly.  If you want to patch your local system and rebuild it all to
avoid that, go nuts.  Seems like overkill, but who am I to judge?  As
a Debian bug, however, even a wishlist one, this should be a wontfix.

... Adam

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