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Bug#741031: I can confirm this bug, too

On Mon, 05 May 2014 10:13:51 +0200, Robert Waldner writes:
>Trying to upgrade to current Jessie, eg. from 2.17-97 to 2.18-5, got 
> libc6-amd64:i386 into a state where it seems impossible to continue.
> Removing libc6-amd64:i386 fails because the package is "in a bad 
> state", reinstalling doesn't work, either, nor das apt-get -f install:
>At first failure, I tried with the steps outlined in #736097, and (like 
> Francesco) hosed my system - luckily I had sash installed and could 
> revocer via that.
>Now it seems I'm stuck in a loop:

FWIW, after some experimentation in a chrooted copy of the system I was 
 able to revover, here's a snippet of my shell history:

  588  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ apt-get -f install

Didn't help. every new process would just segfault, until (ldconfig 
 had been symlinked to /bin/true before):
  589  /sbin/ldconfig.real 

Seems the apt-get -f install with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set got me far enough 
 so that now it was possible to continue w/o errors:
  590  apt-get -f install
  591  apt-get -s remove libc6-amd64
  592  apt-get -s --purge remove libc6-amd64
  593  apt-get --purge remove libc6-amd64

Now I'm in a state without broken/half-installed libc6* packages, finally
 could get rid of libc6-amd64, and can continue with upgrading:

:) waldner@fsck->~ $ COLUMNS=72 dpkg -l | grep libc6 | egrep ^i
ii  libc6:amd64    2.18-5       amd64        Embedded GNU C Library: Shared li
ii  libc6:i386     2.18-5       i386         Embedded GNU C Library: Shared li
ii  libc6-dbg:amd6 2.18-5       amd64        Embedded GNU C Library: detached 
ii  libc6-dev:amd6 2.18-5       amd64        Embedded GNU C Library: Developme
ii  libc6-dev:i386 2.18-5       i386         Embedded GNU C Library: Developme
ii  libc6-dev-i386 2.18-5       amd64        Embedded GNU C Library: 32-bit de
ii  libc6-dev-x32  2.18-5       amd64        Embedded GNU C Library: X32 ABI D
ii  libc6-i386     2.18-5       amd64        Embedded GNU C Library: 32-bit sh
ii  libc6-x32      2.18-5       amd64        Embedded GNU C Library: X32 ABI S

Kind regards,
-- Too much is just enough.
-- Mark Twain (on whiskey)

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