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Bug#603914: Please drop non-UTF8 locales

Vincent Danjean <vdanjean@debian.org> writes:

>   For example, I've lots of old text data in latin1. Some of them are on
> non-rewritable media. Being able to see them with
> "LC_CTYPE=fr_FR less toto.txt" is very convenient.

less does not convert the characters to UTF-8 for display, so you
also need a latin1 terminal for that command, and typing file names
in such a terminal will make them latin1 too, which is not nice.
Alternatively: iconv --from-code=ISO-8859-1 toto.txt | less

>   There are also lots of old web pages written in latin1 that are still
> used (old exercises, ...) Not being able to see them properly on a
> Debian system would be a pain.

I don't believe you need a latin1 locale for viewing latin1 web
pages.  The charset will be available from iconv() in any case,
or browsers may have charset converters built in.
Iceweasel 3.5.15 here can display Shift_JIS web pages
all right even though I don't have any such locale installed.
<http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/tv/dejimon/> for example.

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