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Bug#520628: libc6: getaddrinfo now prefers listening on ipv4-only over ipv4+ipv6.

Le primidi 1er germinal, an CCXVII, Andreas Henriksson a écrit :
> em@amd64:/tmp$ gcc -o gt gaitest.c && ./gt 
> When given unspecified protocol, host:(null) and port:12345, as hints...
> This machine prefers listening on (in order of preference):
> 	* ipv4 (only)
> 	* ipv6+ipv4

I stumbled on the same problem and found the cause:

> gem@amd64:/tmp$ grep '^#*label' /etc/gai.conf
> label ::1/128       0
> label ::/0          1
> #label 2002::/16     2
> label ::/96         3
> label ::ffff:0:0/96 4
> label fec0::/10     5
> label fc00::/7      6
> label 2001:0::/32   7

The labels are related to the rule 6 of RFC 3484 (although the comment in
the source code of the glibc says rule 5). The algorithm needs to choose
between two addresses:

- ::0 (IPv6 mildcard)

- ::FFFF: (mapped IPv4 wildcard)

It uses a corresponding source address, respectively:

According to the labels above (or the hardcoded ones), the addresses get the
following labels:

- ::1 (IPv6 looopback) -> 0

- ::0 (IPv6 mildcard) -> 3

- ::FFFF: (mapped IPv4 wildcard) -> 4

- ::FFFF: (mapped IPv4 loopback) -> 4

The rule 6 says that addresses with the same label for the source and the
destination should be selected.

I "fixed" the problem by adding the following line to gai.conf:

label ::/128        0

I am not completely sure whether this is correct, but it seems to work.


  Nicolas George

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