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Bug#449423: glibc2.7 followup

Dear Pierre,

Calm down!

> > For further information, see
> >
> > http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2007/11/msg00033.html
>   And ? What does it proves ? As a member of the glibc packaging team I
> quite know what I'm saying. 

I know that you know that -- that comment wasn't for you but for the original 
reporter and anyone else who might (like I did) waste considerable time 
trying to work out what was wrong with the locales package. I eventually 
found the above explanation of what was going on. 

When what *seems* like a pretty major problem is closed with no more 
than "this is not a bug", the reporter and anyone else experiencing that 
problem is left dazed and confused. I know that glibc2.7 has been keeping you 
very busy, and all of the Debian community appreciates the effort that you 
(collectively) put into such an important package. But attaching more 
information (such as the link to d-d) to your email closing the bug would 
have been nice, helpful, polite, etc... Since you had not offered any 
explanation as to why it was not a bug, I thought I would to save others time 
and confusion.

> Locales from glibc 2.7 aren't installable, 
> bummer. It doesn't prevents you to install any other debian package as
> none depends upon glibc 2.7 (or that's a bug in them).

Actually, it is causing problems in pbuilders -- this is a default pbuilder 
install within etch of a sid chroot. For example:

	sun-java6-jdk depends on sun-java6-jre
	sun-java6-jre depends on locales
	locales in sid is 2.7-0exp6 and depends on glibc-2.7-1
	glibc-2.7-1 is not installable.
	Therefore, sun-java6-jdk is not installable.

There are a lot of packages that depend on locales and if locales is not 
installable within a chroot, then those packages are also not installable. If 
you believe this is an incorrect dependency, then there are quite a few bugs 
that need filing.

Pulling the locales package from lenny would solve this problem, but that 
seems somehow "dirty". I guess an existing pbuilder would probably also 
continue as it could just use an older locales to work and that it's just new 
chroots that are broken.

>   This is a temporary situation, please live with it.

I can and happily will. 

Good luck with the rest of the glibc2.7 transition and thanks again.


Stuart Prescott                 www.nanoNANOnano.net

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