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Bug#317740: #include <asm/timex.h> causing build error

At Mon, 11 Jul 2005 16:22:38 -0700,
C.Y.M <syphir@syphir.sytes.net> wrote:
> There was an alternative solution to my problem, but in the future, how can I
> use cycles_t without including timex.h?  I was using rdtscll() to get an
> absolute time measurement.

rdtscll() is defined for kernel i386/x86_64 internal.  When you want
to get rdtsc, using __asm__ and unsigned long long are an appropriate
approach, instead of rdtscll() and cycle_t.  I sometimes use the
asm/msr.h rdtscll() definition for my applications.

-- gotom

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