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Bug#240901: acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#240901: (no subject))

On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 07:00:38PM +0100, Michael Graham wrote:
> > According to
> >   http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=140891&msg=47
> > upstream glibc maintainers seem to strongly disagree, so I am closing
> > this bugreport.
> Yes, but in that bug report en_AU (libc6 version 2.2.5-4) had also no
> AM/PM text. And this has now changed, hence my bug report. I was
> wondering if it could be change for en_GB.

I was not referring to the bugreport, but this specific message, in
  Not filling in the am/pm strings is a mean to say that the
  people in the country the locale is fow are not to backward
  as to use the am/pm format anymore.  This definitely is the
  case for the UK.

> Unless I'm missing something en_AU as now more reason to use AM/PM than
> en_GB

Some people argued that 12 hour format with am/pm is the most popular in


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