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Bug#181025: glibc: IDN needed, badly

At Tue, 2 Mar 2004 11:44:08 +0100,
Nicolas Kratz wrote:
> Here in .de, people are rushing to the new domain names. www.�ko.de,
> www.m�ller.de, you name it.
> gethostbyname() returns a null pointer when fed one of those hostnames.
> Pretty please, get libidn into libc asap. It's a matter of time until
> this starts to become a real problem. Ping, lynx and the other (in this
> regard) broken tools aside, I don't think it would be possible to send
> mail to one of those domains. Abuse unreachable, spammers paradise.

Why is glibc needed to support such IDN?  I think DNS does handle the
current domain name.

If user want to use IDN, he needs to input locale strings, and
application convert from locale to unicode, then normalize through
nameprep, then convert to alphabetical Punycode domain name.  So which
string types does gethostbyname() get?  Unicode?  Locale strings?
Normalized nameprep strings?  I think "nothing".  DNS handles
alphabetical domain name which is currently used.

And are there any implementations which have IDN-supported
gethostbyname() ?  With conforming to standards, is it OK to support?

-- gotom

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