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Bug#259302: Patch update against base-files 3.1

On Sat, 4 Dec 2004, Andreas Jochens wrote:

> However, I had severe problems with 'glibc' upgrades when the '/lib64' 
> symlink was created by 'glibc' instead of 'base-files'. 
> Basically, everything stopped working during the upgrade because 
> the '/lib64' temporarily disappeared and the binaries could not 
> find the dynamic linker anymore.

If glibc, which contains all the essential libraries and it's in the
best position to do it, have problems creating the symlinks, imagine
the *huge* mess that might happen if we finally put the symlinks in
base-files and we want to remove it later for multiarch support,
considering that base-files and glibc do not have any sort of "sync"
between them. That is my main objection for putting the symlinks in

Could you please provide details about the problem of having the
symlinks in glibc?

Is it that glibc has a versioned Replaces: base-files and dpkg removes
the symlink in base-files before installing the one from glibc,
creating a big window during which /lib64 does not exist at all?

In such case I think it would be completely acceptable that the preinst
simply manipulates /var/lib/dpkg/info/base-files.list to remove
the /lib64 entry from it, so that the Replaces becomes innecessary.

I believe dpkg should not have problems installing a symlink when the
symlink already exists in the filesystem and does not belong to any package.

Sure, it would be a hack, but if the symlink is in base-files, it
could be that we need a much bigger hack to remove it later, or worse,
it could be that we are in a dead-end and there is no possible hack
for the multiarch transition.

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