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Bug#177242: MALLOC_CHECK_=1 produces false positives for arches defining MALLOC_ALIGNMENT > 8

Forgot to include the bug in the email to upstream.
I will remember to CC the bug on future info :)


----- Forwarded message from Carlos O'Donell <carlos@baldric.uwo.ca> -----

From: Carlos O'Donell <carlos@baldric.uwo.ca>
To: libc-alpha@sources.redhat.com
Subject: MALLOC_CHECK_=1 produces false positives for arches defining MALLOC_ALIGNMENT > 8
X-Useless-Header: oooohhmmm, chant the email mantra...


I noticed that for arches defining MALLOC_ALIGNMENT > 8, which is a
valid thing according to glibc/malloc/malloc.c, that the checks in
hooks.c, particularly those in mem2chunk_check(), seemed a bit erroneous.


165   p = mem2chunk(mem);
166   if(!aligned_OK(p)) return NULL;


346 #ifndef INTERNAL_SIZE_T
347 #define INTERNAL_SIZE_T size_t
348 #endif
350 /* The corresponding word size */
351 #define SIZE_SZ                (sizeof(INTERNAL_SIZE_T))
1762 #define mem2chunk(mem) ((mchunkptr)((char*)(mem) - 2*SIZE_SZ))
1774 #define aligned_OK(m)  (((unsigned long)((m)) & (MALLOC_ALIGN_MASK)) == 0)
So for MALLOC_ALIGNMENT of >8, when the aligned memory is converted back
to a chunk my subtracting "2*SIZE_SZ" or "2*size_t" you may not get
back a chunck that observes MALLOC_ALIGNMENT and the check on line 166
of hooks.c is not true.

HPPA defines MALLOC_ALIGNMENT as 16 and seems to exhibit false positives
when testing code with MALLOC_CHECK_. The memory in the chunk is aligned
to 16, but the chunk pointer, after subtracting 8, is obviously not.

The code in hooks.c looks like it needs some love :)


----- End forwarded message -----

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