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Push -7 into testing

Hi guys,

(Please cc me on replies)

I think -7 is in a state where it's acceptable to push it into testing. The
open bugs seem to be:

	* #209253: FTBS on hppa, possible solutions still pending.

presumably patofiero's still working on this; and the effect of this
problem on testing users should be minimal

	* #203303: linux/byteorder/swab.h: ISO C++ forbids braced-groups 
	  within expressions 

linux/cdrom.h needs to be forked for glibc and userspace; not a major problem

	* #205099: libc6: syslog makes cgi process hang after openlog() followed by syslog() 

not too frequent :-/

	* #210608: glibc: breaks OpenOffice.org build 

not too frequent; i'm fairly sure this bug happens when realloc's
"new=malloc(n)" call takes the "Insufficient space left; allocate another
page." branch of __libc_memalign(), rather than being due to a violation
of any preconditions. I think this can be fixed by changing realloc to
look like:

 /* This is only called with the most recent block returned by malloc.  */
 void * weak_function
 realloc (void *ptr, size_t n)
   void *new;
+  void *old_alloc_end = alloc_end;
   if (ptr == NULL)
     return malloc (n);
   assert (ptr == alloc_last_block);
   alloc_ptr = alloc_last_block;
   new = malloc (n);
-  assert (new == ptr);
+  if (new != ptr) {
+    memmove(new, ptr, ((char*)old_alloc_end - (char*)ptr));
+  }
   return new;

Anyway, I think we're at a point where the remaining RC stuff is less
critical than the blockage glibc causes, so I expect to push it into
testing tomorrow. If there's more breakage that I don't know about that's
hideously severe (and will hence be being fixed RSN) please mail me.


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

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