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Bug#160596: details?

On Wed, Sep 18, 2002 at 12:24:34AM -0400, Andres Salomon wrote:
> Ben, you mentioned a while ago (via irc) that I can get around this
> problem by having IPv6 entries in my /etc/hosts file.  I tried it, and
> it didn't work.  Please provide details about how to properly make
> entries in /etc/hosts resolve (without having to add the trailing dot),
> or provide a pointer to the past threads you're talking about.  I have
> not seen anything that addresses this upstream, other than upstream bug
> #2701, which states that the libc nsswitch implementation must be
> redesigned (which is really not the answer I was looking for; but,
> seeing as how this affects a stable debian distro, something about
> /etc/hosts being broken should be stated very loudly in a README
> somewhere).
> Basically, how is this not a bug?

It is not a bug, because /etc/hosts is not broken, nor is it's usage.
The "problem" is that getaddrinfo is a new interface designed with new
goals. When getaddrinfo does a "lookup" it does not stop when it has
found the first match. Instead it keeps probing to find all info about a
particular host, which includes A, AAAA, and reverse for both. This is
how it is supposed to work. Just because this new mechanism does not fit
into an old model, does not mean it is broken.

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