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Re: silent test suite failures to check

   So you're saying that on your build obj/catgets/tst-catgets.out is
properly an empty file? On my machine it is filled with error messages
such as...

expected "                                                            %s: Wert  Feld �%s� muss im Intervall %d...%d sein", got "Eintr�ge am Ende des Offset-s in der Zeichenkette %d im �era�-Feld der Kategorie �%s�"
expected "              Zugriffsrechte : ", got "Nummer f�r den Offset in der henkette %d im �era�-Feld in der Kategorie �%s�"
expected "              Attribute      : ", got "Start-Datum in der Zeichenkette %d im �era�-Feld in der Kategorie �%s�"

Can you tell me how many locales you have generated locally? I am wondering
if perhaps I have a bad one and it is sneaking into the test. On my machine
I have...

/etc/locale.gen with...

de_DE ISO-8859-1
en_US ISO-8859-1
fr_FR ISO-8859-1

fr_FR ISO-8859-1

Try add those to your locale.gen, if you don't already have them,
and reinstall locales to force their regeneration. Then try rebuilding
glibc 2.2.93 again and see if tst-catgets.out is still empty.

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