Bug#117680: [PATCH]
At Mon, 30 Dec 2002 09:21:26 -0500,
H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@quickfur.ath.cx> wrote:
> Hi, does the attached patch qualify as a fix for this bug? :-) Personally
> I don't see a need for ispell'ing C header files. (Doing an ispell on C
> *strings* in a file might be a different story, because users may actually
> see that stuff. But comments? IMNSHO, it's a waste of time. Especially in
> system header files, which are already properly documented in the info
> pages and the manpages.)
Yes :)
> So I propose just applying the attached patch and closing this bug.
> Thanks!
Thanks for your patch!
I applied it into debian-glibc cvs: debian/patches/document-fix.dpatch.
I plan to submit it to upstream if they are gathered, is it OK?
-- gotom
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