Bug#108673: marked as done (Cannot shart nedit, no "atexit" symbol)
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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From: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <snowwolf@one2one-networks.com>
To: bugs@debian.org
Subject: Cannot shart nedit, no "atexit" symbol
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 09:37:46 +0200
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When upgrading to version -10 of libc6, nedit cannot launch.. Stating an
unlinked atexit function in its own shared library.. Recompilation of nedit
doesnt fixed it. But downgrading to -9 does.
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Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 13:08:22 -0500
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According to:
Message-ID: <20010814092900.O30381@visi.net>,
this bug is supposed to be the same as 108364 which has already been
I suspect the merge failed because of different severities or something of
the like, so this bug never got closed when the others did.
Tech-savvy: euphemism for nerdy.
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