getdents64 Re: please don't use glibc 2.3.1-6 on linux kernel 2.2 (2.4 is ok)
On Mon, Dec 23, 2002 at 10:25:36AM +0900, GOTO Masanori wrote:
> Please don't use glibc 2.3.1-6 on linux kernel 2.2.x. glibc 2.3.1-6
> has bug of getdents(), so "ls" or all getdents() operation are
> failed. It's no problem on kernel 2.4.
> If you're in trouble with this problem: (1) boot kernel 2.4, and
> downgrade glibc from -6 to -5, or (2) stop using old kernel 2.2,
> switch into 2.4 :-)
> The bug is as follows: glibc 2.3.1-6 uses getdents64() in first. On
> kernel 2.4, this system call is succeeded. But getdents64() is
> implemented after kernel 2.4.0-test7. So, this system call is failed
> on kernel 2.2, then glibc tries falling back to getdents(). But this
> "falling back" condition check has bug, all getdents() operations are
> always failed.
> I was already fixed it in the current debian glibc cvs. Jeff Bailey is
> concentrating to prepare glibc 2.3.1-7 with some other fixes. Please
> wait and use glibc 2.3.1-7, if you are kernel 2.2 user.
> I'm sorry cutting this thread, but I want more people notice this
> problem.
> At Sun, 22 Dec 2002 11:22:16 -0600,
> Hank Marquardt wrote:
> > Interesting -- I upgraed a couple 2.4 boxes and they were OK ... and
> > others reported the same; but good to know (and report) that all may not
> > be well in 2.4land either.
> >
I had that getdents64 problem this afternoon on a 2.2.20 box. Fixed by
cd /lib
rsync -a -e ssh * [my.borked.remote]:/lib # cruft-R-us
>From a functioning up to date unstable box to the broken box.
Does that imply it is not so much the package as the dependancies?
Christopher F. Miller, Publisher
MaineStreet Communications, Inc 208 Portland Road, Gray, ME 04039
Content/site management, online commerce, internet integration, Debian linux
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