I've also just upgraded to -6 after seeing this bug report. The 'ls' command works fine for me. Contents of /proc/cpuinfo: cpu : Alpha cpu model : PCA56 cpu variation : 7 cpu revision : 0 cpu serial number : system type : EB164 system variation : SX164 system revision : 0 system serial number : cycle frequency [Hz] : 533333333 timer frequency [Hz] : 1024.00 page size [bytes] : 8192 phys. address bits : 40 max. addr. space # : 127 BogoMIPS : 1057.24 kernel unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0) user unaligned acc : 45615 (pc=2000083de74,va=120a89fcc) platform string : Digital AlphaPC 164SX 533 MHz cpus detected : 1 Kernel is 2.4.18-xfs. -- Steve Langasek postmodern programmer
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