Bug#172995: libc6: all Gnome1 / Gtk1.2 apps die with SIGSEG since upgrade to libc6 2.3.1
On Sun, 15 Dec 2002, GOTO Masanori wrote:
> > From this report, you also got another report's tracking number, where I include
> > a gdb trace (sylpheed). At least bother reading it, before saying that I did
> > not include anything to justify this.
> Did you mean #110091? The reason I ignored it is that the original report
> mixes the issue with libc6 2.2.x and libc6 2.3.x. If other applications
> have the same behavior, I'm afraid it's not glibc but X11/GTK+1.2 problem.
Downgrading libc6 version fixes it, so it's a no brainer: the problem is libc6
2.3.1, not xlib or gtk.
> I downgrade it from critical to normal.
No, you don't.
Martin-Éric Racine
"Kas sa tahad mind? - Nej!!! Är du en idiot?!!"
Tallinn, Eesti;
Espoo, Suomi.
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