Bug#172545: marked as done (transmeta longrun fails with unstable libc6 (pread/pwrite))
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Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 00:09:42 +0530
From: Joshua N Pritikin <vishnu@pobox.com>
To: submit@bugs.debian.org
Subject: transmeta longrun fails with unstable libc6 (pread/pwrite)
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i have a Fujitsu P-Series laptop (TM5800 CPU @ 800MHz) running Linux
2.4.20 (debian) with devfs, CONFIG_MCRUSOE, CONFIG_X86_MSR, and
CONFIG_X86_CPUID. longrun is a tool to change the settings of
Transmeta CPUs.
longrun works fine with libc6 2.2.5-14.3. When i try upgrading to
2.3.1-5 then i get a failure at the first call to read_cpuid()
in check_cpu(), line 186. This suggests that pread got broken
somehow in the new libc.
Victory to the Divine Mother!! after all,
http://sahajayoga.org http://why-compete.org
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Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 11:08:10 +0900
From: ISHIKAWA Mutsumi <ishikawa@linux.or.jp>
To: vishnu@pobox.com, 172545-close@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#172545: transmeta longrun fails with unstable libc6 (pread/pwrite)
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>>>>> In <[🔎] 20021210183942.GC1521@always.joy.eth.net>
>>>>> Joshua N Pritikin <vishnu@pobox.com> wrote:
>> Package: libc6
>> Version: 2.3.1-5
>> i have a Fujitsu P-Series laptop (TM5800 CPU @ 800MHz) running Linux
>> 2.4.20 (debian) with devfs, CONFIG_MCRUSOE, CONFIG_X86_MSR, and
>> CONFIG_X86_CPUID. longrun is a tool to change the settings of
>> Transmeta CPUs.
>> longrun works fine with libc6 2.2.5-14.3. When i try upgrading to
>> 2.3.1-5 then i get a failure at the first call to read_cpuid()
>> in check_cpu(), line 186. This suggests that pread got broken
>> somehow in the new libc.
No, it is not a bug of glibc.
It is a bug of longrun and already fixed, you should upgrade longrun
<ishikawa@linux.or.jp>, <ishikawa@debian.org>, <ishikawa@netvillage.co.jp>
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