Processed: glibc issue
Processing commands for
> clone 170044 -1
Bug#170044: All OO programs crash with "relocation error"
Bug 170044 cloned as bug 171695.
> severity -1 critical
Bug#171695: All OO programs crash with "relocation error"
Severity set to `critical'.
> tag -1 + sid
Bug#171695: All OO programs crash with "relocation error"
Tags were: help sid
Tags added: sid
> retitle -1 relocation errors at OOo with libc6 2.3.1
Bug#171695: All OO programs crash with "relocation error"
Changed Bug title.
> reassign -1 libc6
Bug#171695: relocation errors at OOo with libc6 2.3.1
Bug reassigned from package `' to `libc6'.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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