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Bug#166762: package libc6-dev : exp10 exp2 round missing im libm.h

On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 11:45:37AM +0100, Willem Vermin wrote:

> It appears that definitions for 'exp10', 'exp2' and  'round' are
> missing in /usr/include/math.h

When submitting these types of bugs, please include why you think
there should be a definition for them.  Otherwise I have to do the work
to look in standards to figure out if this is a good idea or not.  That
tends to mean that it will collect dust for a long time. =)

Particularily good reasons are: "Posix standard X, section Y.Z", or 
"The manual says it's there, but it's not".  

Jeff Bailey

When you get to the heart,
use a knife and fork.
 - Instructions for eating an artichoke.

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