prelink debian cvs?
Chris Chimelis may be awhile in getting prelink
debs ready due to hardware problems. Was anyone else
considering a prelink debian source cvs along side
the existing glibc one? Since libelfg0 was updated
to 0.8.2-1 last night we are prelink compatible in
debian sid (with glibc 2.3-1 installed and a kernel
> 2.4.10). I have a locally built prelink package and
have been working on a prelink.cron.daily script
designed along the same lines Jakub intends for
RedHat. Once a day when the script runs it
checks the dpkg status file to see if it has been
modified in the last 24 hours and if so prelinks
the machine again in the background to catch any
newly installed binaries and libraries.
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