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Re: IPTOS_LOWDELAY socket option not defined

>>>>> Eloy A Paris writes:

Eloy> Joel,
Eloy> A quick question for you: the IPTOS_LOWDELAY socket option is not
Eloy> defined anymore in the current glibc development environment.

Eloy> The problem seems to be related to changes in the kernel headers: in
Eloy> 2.0.x IPTOS_LOWDELAY was defined in /usr/include/linux/socket.h but in
Eloy> 2.2.x, IPTOS_LOWDELAY (and other socket options) are defined in
Eloy> /usr/include/linux/ip.h.

Eloy> The current glibc development environment (both 2 and 2.1) is not
Eloy> including /usr/include/linux/ip.h so IPTOS_LOWDELAY is not being
Eloy> defined.

Eloy> There is software out there that uses IPTOS_LOWDELAY. Samba, which I
Eloy> maintain, is one example: I have just put an ugly hack in one of the
Eloy> Samba source files to define IPTOS_LOWDELAY because the normal include
Eloy> files being used do not define it. See bugs 35333, 33698 and 34148 for
Eloy> more information.

Eloy> My question is: shouldn't the glibc development environment take care
Eloy> of this? Whose problem is this?
It's your problem;-).

Include <netinet/ip.h>:
$ grep -r IPTOS_LOWDELAY /usr/include/netinet/ip.h 
#define IPTOS_LOWDELAY          0x10

This works with glibc 2.0 and 2.1.

Btw. please also read the glibc2 FAQ, especially question 3.5.

 Andreas Jaeger   aj@arthur.rhein-neckar.de    jaeger@informatik.uni-kl.de
  for pgp-key finger ajaeger@aixd1.rhrk.uni-kl.de

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