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Bug#35704: libc6: ssh fails to allocate a pseudo tty

Quoting Zack Weinberg <zack@rabi.columbia.edu>:
> I believe 2.2.x is supposed to be the default in potato.  I assume
> we're waiting for it to get past its teething problems.

Hmm.  It works fine for me, so I don't know what folks are waiting for
at this point.

> Unfortunately, because of the way devptsfs works, I can't make an
> ironclad test for the presence of the pty slaves in libc.  Best I can
> do is make sure that /dev/ptmx exists and /dev/pts is a directory.
> That means, if /dev/pts is provided by libc, we'll *still* get it
> wrong on a 2.0.x system.
> ...Therefore I think /dev/pts and the fstab entry should be created by
> the 2.2.x kernel package, not by libc.  We do have an update-fstab
> thingy, right?  
> zw

I don't know of any such thing other than the boot-floppy install
stuff.  Adding in a 'grep -c "^devpts.*/dev/pts.*devpts" /etc/fstab' 
type of check should be sufficient to check whether it is or is not
being mounted, and if not then to add in a new entry to fstab...

And of course, the fstab entry will sputter on a 2.0.x based system w/o
devptsfs, but at least other than a warning message, should continue


Erik B. Andersen   email:  Erik_Andersen@Spyhop.com
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