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Re: the [de]register_frame_info definitions issues on Alpha

[ I will try to answer different mail at once, and sorry if you
receive twice, I messed up something ]

H.J. Lu writes:
 > > In summary, I know I can use the latest glibc 2.0/2.1 from CVS and
 > > compile it with egcs 1.1.1/Linux, but I do not _want_ to be forced to, 
 > > it introduces unecessary requirements in the way systems are
 > > upgraded, and in the circulation of binaries between systems.
 > > 
 > You can do whatever you want as long as you don't distribute binaries
 > nor run binaries compiled on other systems.

Ok, sorry I was not clear, my concern was not about me, but about
debian users. And all this thread is not about the egcs that I
will use, but about the egcs that will go in the next standard
Debian/Alpha distribution (I am a debian developer).

 > However, in order to keep binary compatibility between different Linux
 > systems, I am not talking about different Debian machines built by
 > different Debian people at different times, it is referring to ALL
 > Linux machines based on glibc 2, including RedHat, Debian, ...., it i
 > s mandated to upgrade to the latest glibc 2.0/2.1 and egcs 1.1.1/Linux.
 > That is one reason we made those changes. It is required. Period.

I am glad you also want to ensure binary compatibility on ALL machines 
based on glibc 2, so let's look at the situation:
 Alpha glibc2 systems I know:
  1) Redhat 5.0,5.1,5.2 (the latest as far as I know)
  lx-~$cat /etc/redhat-release 
  Red Hat Linux release 5.2 (Apollo)
  lx-~$nm --dynamic /lib/libc-2.0.7.so  | grep register_fr
  lx-~$gcc -v
  Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/alpha-redhat-linux/egcs-2.90.29/specs
  gcc version egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release)
 2)  Debian/Alpha (that altough never officially released has a number
 of users)
  It  did either  have register_frame_info in its libc until

So to ensure binary-compatibility executables should not depend on
the register_frame_info function.

Let be sure there is no misunderstanding: I fully understand all libc
starting from now must include register_frame_info, what I want to check
is that C-only executables do not _rely_ on it. So all I am
concerned about, is the crtbegin.o shipped with egcs and not libc itself.

H.J. Lu writes:
 > # objdump --dynamic-sym /usr/bin/gcc | grep __deregister_frame_info
 > 08048ca4      DF *UND*  000000a8 __deregister_frame_info

That's the kind of executables that would be better to avoid if
possible,  your gcc will probably not run on a standard Redhat5.2
system (ok, it isn't important in the particular case of gcc, but not
for other executables).

H.J. Lu writes:
 > > In 2.91.60-4 there is another HLU patch to bring it to his egcs Linux
 > > release. Please tell me if I should leave out the hjl-12 patch.
 > > 
 > Wait a second. My egcs-1.1.1.diff.12 is removed from the final egcs
 > 1.1.1 19990115/Linux. Please use the patch at
 > ftp://ftp.yggdrasil.com/private/hjl/egcs/1.1.1/egcs-1.1.1-19990115-linux.diff.gz
 > Please don't use any previous patches.

Can you clarify a few point about your official egcs-1.1.1-19990115-linux.
First  are the binary really available? I could not find them on the sites mentioned in
your announcement (http://www.linuxhq.com/lnxlists/linux-gcc/lg_9901/msg00061.html).

Then the config/alpha/crtbegin.asm does not make any reference to
register_frame_info, which would be perfect for Debian (preserve binary
compatibility). But this is inconsistent with  the result that you mentioned
previously with "objdump --dynamic-sym /usr/bin/gcc" (and also inconsistent
with other archs that AFAIK generate crtbegin.o from crtstuff.c).
when I  recompile a pristine egcs-1.1.1-19990115-linux with itself I do not find
the register-frame_info symbol in the result? The output of crtbegin.o for
a pristine egcs-1.1.1-19990115-linux here is:
0000000000000000 a *ABS*
0000000000000000 ? __CTOR_LIST__
0000000000000000 ? __DTOR_LIST__
0000000000000000 t __do_global_dtors_aux

Is it consistent with yours? Does your gcc/config/crtbegin.asm mention 

c03dbe7c1c8d254e697aba6d7d0e0063  egcs-1.1.1-19990115-linux.diff

Zack Weinberg writes:
 > HJ overstates the situation a bit.  We are not doing anything to 2.0,
 > and in fact you should NOT use egcs to compile libc 2.0 unless no
 > other compiler works on the platform in question - that was how the
 > __register_frame_info problem came up in the first place.
 > However, in 2.1, we've decided to insist that libc export
 > __register_frame_info and its friends, so that it isn't defined
 > anywhere else (multiple copies can cause programs to crash).  That
 > means you have to use *some* version of egcs to compile libc 2.1.  You
 > don't have to use HJ's patched egcs 1.1.1.  (In fact, I'd recommend
 > that you don't use it - instead, examine each of his patches and
 > decide whether to apply it yourself.  Some of them are good, some are
 > not.)

Actually the inclusion of register_frame_info in libc seems to have
been backported to 2.0 according to the ChangeLog. Anyway I repeat
again that since the beginning my only concern is about what should be
in crtbegin.o (my point being it should not contain an undefined
reference to register_frame_info but a weak definition of it, in order
to preserve binary compatibility between systems).


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