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PROJ 8.1.1

PROJ 8.1.1 has been released, high time to prepare the proj transition.

Since the 8.0.0 several packages got updated to include support for
proj.h, but some still don't have to this day.

The rebuilds with 8.1.1 identified new issues in merkaartor,
octave-octoproj, and qmapshack which have been fixed in the mean time.

The bugreports can be found via the proj-8.0 & proj-8.1 usertags:


cartopy recently had support for PROJ 8 committed via pyproj, hopefully
the 0.20 release will be soon so the package won't be RC-buggy for a
long time.

Transition: proj

 libproj19 (7.2.1-1) -> libproj22 (8.1.1-1~exp1)

The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows.

 atlas-ecmwf             (0.26.0-1)                             OK
 gammaray                (2.11.2-2)                             OK
 libgeotiff              (1.7.0-2)                              OK
 mshr                    (2019.2.0~git20200924.c27eb18+dfsg1-5) OK
 octave-octproj          (2.0.1-4)                              OK
 osm2pgsql               (1.5.1+ds-1)                           OK
 pdl                     (1:2.057-3)                            OK
 proj-rdnap              (2008+2018-5)                          OK
 python-cartopy          (0.19.0+dfsg-2)                        FTBFS
 python-pyproj           (3.1.0-1)                              OK
 sosi2osm                (1.0.0-7)                              FTBFS
 spatialite              (5.0.1-2)                              OK
 survex                  (1.2.45-1)                             FTBFS
 xygrib                  (1.2.6-2)                              FTBFS

 gdal                    (3.2.2+dfsg-3)                         OK
 gnudatalanguage         (1.0.0-4)                              OK
 librasterlite2          (1.1.0~beta1-2)                        OK
 magics++                (4.9.0-1)                              OK
 spatialite-tools        (5.0.1-1)                              OK
 xastir                  (2.1.6-3)                              OK

 cdo                     (2.0.0~rc5-1)                          OK
 mapnik                  (3.1.0+ds-1)                           OK
 mapserver               (7.6.4-1)                              OK
 merkaartor              (0.19.0+ds-2)                          OK
 metview                 (5.13.0-1)                             OK
 mysql-workbench         (8.0.26+dfsg-1)                        OK
 ncl                     (6.6.2-7)                              FTBFS
 openorienteering-mapper (0.9.4-2)                              FTBFS
 pdal                    (2.2.0+ds-1)                           OK
 postgis                 (3.1.3+dfsg-1)                         OK
 qmapshack               (1.16.0-2)                             OK
 r-cran-rgdal            (1.5-23+dfsg-1)                        OK
 r-cran-sf               (0.9-7+dfsg-5)                         OK
 saga                    (7.3.0+dfsg-5)                         OK
 spatialite-gui          (2.1.0~beta1-1)                        OK
 sumo                    (1.8.0+dfsg2-5)                        OK
 vtk7                    (7.1.1+dfsg2-10)                       OK
 vtk9                    (9.0.1+dfsg1-8)                        FTBFS

 freecad                 (0.19.1+dfsg1-2)                       OK
 grass                   (7.8.5-2)                              OK
 r-cran-lwgeom           (0.2-5-2)                              OK
 therion                 (5.5.7ds1-2)                           FTBFS

 qgis                    (3.16.10+dfsg-1)                       OK

Kind Regards,


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