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Re: Co-installable netCDF

On 2018-04-30 16:05, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
Hi Alastair,

On 2018-04-30 15:42, Alastair McKinstry wrote:
This is an update to netcdf that I proposed for Debian stretch, but
postponed due to the HDF5 transition of the time.

I've updated the dev-coinstallable branch of netcdf (on salsa) to bring
it up-to-date with recent netcdf changes.

This would add two new flavours of netcdf lib, netcdf-mpi and
netcdf-pnetcdf, (lib and -dev packages) to enable parallel IO.  This is
designed to match the HDF5 flavour scheme (details below from previous
email), the serial version is left unchanged except for adding symbol
names; no transition is therefore required.

It is expected that only a handful of packages (ADIOS, XDMF) would be
using the parallel / MPI versions; most packages would continue unchanged.

Would it be possible to merge this package for buster?

No, because my concerns have not been addressed.

The changes to libnetcdf13.symbols are not acceptable.

The non-standard library path will break reverse dependencies, and
will require a transition.

Symbol versioning scripts are still used, which are too hard to
maintain properly.

There are patches not included upstream, which very much should be
accepted upstream before I will consider them appropriate for the
Debian package.

The changes to debian/rules are far too invasive. Maintaining the
SOVERSION there is unacceptable.

Most importantly co-installability of the netcdf library variants
needs to be supported upstream before I will consider it for the
Debian package.

Sorry to rain on your parade.

If you want to get a parallel enabled netcdf into buster, you'll need maintain a fork of the netcdf package (e.g. netcdf-parallel) which provides the MPI and pnetcdf variants, but not the serial variant when it conflicts with the libraries built from the netcdf source package.

Since I'm not willing to have parallel changes in the netcdf Debian package that are unsupported by upstream, that's probably the best compromise.

Reverse dependencies of netcdf can then switch to your netcdf-parallel package if they want parallel support. Everyone else can keep using the netcdf package without parallel support.

Kind Regards,


Since netcdf 4.4.1 is in testing/unstable for some time, that's no
longer a blocker for the hdf5 transition.

I'm testing out the last of my changes for co-installable netcdf which I hope to have ready by the beginning of next week. It would be worth
thinking about doing both.
I'm aware of the outdated dev-coinstallable branch in the netcdf
repository, and no offence to your effort, but I don't like what I see
there. The symbols version script will be a pain to maintain as our
experience with gdal has shown for example. I'm still very much against patching the netcdf source to make it build with HDF5 serial and its MPI
variants. That needs to be solved upstream. I don't want to require
changes to reverse dependencies to select a Debian specific netcdf
variant as we do for hdf5. The situation we want to create in Debian
should be something supported out of the box by upstream. Has there been
any discussion with NetCDF (and HDF5) upstream about this?

Kind Regards,


I've been working on the dev-coinstallable so that it is no longer
requires a transition.

Yes, i've been talking to upstream about this, (mostly hdf5 people but also netcdf) and my understanding is that the problem is basically HDF5 / netcdf compression: HDF5 (and hence netcdf) can do either compression
(SZIP, etc. ) or parallel read/write, but not both simultaneously.
Fixing this is on the todo list, but has been for many years without
progress. Estimates of 6-12 months work have been quoted, as HDF5 is
effectively becoming a high-performance filesystem within a file on HPC
systems with deep memory hierarchies, and any such changes are not
trivial. This development can only be really written and tested on
top-end HPC systems like the national labs; patches written by
developers on PCs will probably impact performance and not be accepted by upstream. What I'm proposing is a temporary workaround until this is
done, that is designed to go away later.

( Whats it means, technically: parallel write/reads work (on posix) by dividing the file to be written into even-sized chunks handled by .eg. MPI-IO. Compression means we don't know in advance the size on disk a given write will be, until after we've compressed it; if we have a chunk
of memory of fixed size, we don't know the eventual byte-range on a
'serial bunch of bytes' file representation it will map to. However in practice people are moving to a non-POSIX based representation of HDF5
files on 'modern object-based' APIs; no longer treating the file as a
serial bunch of bytes but a set of possibly different-sized blocks
handled as objects on eg. an S3 API object-based filesystem. In this
picture compression can be added. But the high-performance work is more
important to HDF5 developers' funders than compression at the moment,
while on the netcdf front, compression is important for those of us
storing and archiving large files long-term).

We need to be able to handle both cases. Eventually in a 'deep' software
stack like Debian, we will have applications such as Visit, Paraview,
CDAT etc. that will need to be able to both (1) read compressed files or (2) read in parallel, on different workflows. These work using netcdf, adios and xdmf plugins for IO, and currently cannot provide parallelism
on Debian because of the lack of parallel netcdf. Given this
incompatibility the 'serial' is the right default for Debian but
handicaps us on large systems. where i'm working for example, we build portals on Debian for HPC, but can't do so due to this lack of MPI support.

So, the solution I'm proposing: We retain one 'master' netcdf version.
libnetcdf11 and libnetcdf-dev. Co-installable libnetcdf-mpi-11 and
libnetcdf-pnetcdf-11 exist, but are not used by most libraries /
applications. While a parallel libnetcdf- fortran and C++ libraries are
also required, I do not propose or expect any applications above the
netcdf stack provide serial and parallel versions; there will be no
combinatorial explosion of packages. A handful of libraries, apps may be
linked to the MPI version of netcdf instead of the serial, and in
particular two higher-level IO libraries I maintain will be linked to
both : ADIOS and XDMF (XDMF would provide both xdmf.py and xdmf_mpi.py modules, user selects which; while ADIOS provides an interface where it
can decide at runtime whether to use serial or mpi).

The libraries are as follows: libnetcdf11 is as before, with NETCDF_*
symbols, library in /usr/lib/$arch/libnetcdf.so.11.3.0
The include files are in /usr/include/netcdf ; etc.
For MPI version, the library is /usr/lib/$arch/libnetcdf_mpi.so*,
symbols NETCDF_MPI_* . Note: mpi, not openmpi; the MPI dependencies are
abstracted away by this layer.
The Fortran, C++ netcdf packages would ship both libnetcdff.so and
libnetcdff_mpi.so. etc.

pkgconfig files will be of the form netcdf-$flavor.pc, with an
alternatives default netcdf.pc -> netcdf_serial.pc

Similarly for pnetcdf : /usr/lib/$arch/libnetcf_netcdf.so.*
(pnetcdf is parallel netcdf: there are two flavours of MPI netcdf:
netcdf4 using HDF5 for its parallelism, and pnetcdf using MPI but
writing the old nc3 format. There are some applications currently
outside Debian  that find this more performant).

There is a directory structure for symlinks:
/usr/lib/$arch/netcdf/$flavor/{lib,include,cmake,pkgconfig} as per HDF5.
If you use this as your location directory when building, it all does
the right thing; if you don't use this, you get the default (currently serial) version. As only a handful of packages are expected to use the
MPI version, no build changes for most would be needed).

Eventually in a new release if compression+parallelism is implemented,
this can all be transitioned away with a single rebuild for the "MPI
netcdf" packages.

So, in summary: for all but three/four packages, this has no effect:
binary compatibility remains intact (symbols, versioning. etc). Third
party binaries will link with Debian netcdf libs and vice versa. When
the "proper upstream" changes are made, these changes will transition
away in Debian.


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