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Re: Debian GIS packages in stretch

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this! Very much appreciated!


On 2017-02-06 15:28, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
Now that the full freeze is in effect, I've had a look at what's new and
other changes for the Debian GIS packages in stretch.

Several new packages were introduced because they were already included
in OSGeo-Live like MapProxy, PyCSW, PySAL & PyWPS.

The updates in stretch bring greatly improved support for GeoPackage
which was mostly lacking in the packages in jessie.

Some highlights of the new packages:

  * OTB 5.8.0, thanks to Rashad Kanavath, Andreas Tille & Paolo Cavallini
  * Fiona 1.7.1, RasterIO 0.36.0, and many other Python packages thanks
    to Johan Van de Wauw
  * The new osmium family (protozero, libosmium, osmium-tool,
    osmcoastline & pyosmium), thanks to excellent collaboration with
    Jochem Topf
  * mapcode 2.5.2, thanks to Stefan Fritsch
  * MapProxy 1.9.0
  * node-leaflet-* and other NodeJS packages thanks to Ross Gammon
  * openstreetmap-carto 2.45.1, thanks to Christopher Baines
  * PDAL 1.4.0
  * PyCSW 2.0.2, thanks to Johan Van de Wauw & Angelos Tzotsos
  * PySAL 1.13.0, thanks to Johan Van de Wauw
  * PyWPS 4.0.0, thanks to Angelos Tzotsos
  * SFCGAL 1.3.0, thanks to Sven Geggus

And some highlights of updated packages:

  * GMT 5.3.1 and its (new) dependencies:
    - DCW-GMT 1.1.2
    - GSHHG 2.3.6 (replaces GSHHS)
    Which fixed long standing issues with the GMT 4 packages.
  * NetCDF, thanks to Nico Schlömer & Ross Gammon
    Which introduced some new packages:
    - netcdf-cxx 4.3.0
    - netcdf-cxx-legacy 4.2
    - netcdf-fortran 4.4.4
    - netcdf4-python 1.2.7

Core package updates:

  * PROJ.4 4.9.3
  * GeoTIFF 1.4.2
  * GEOS 3.5.1
  * HDF4 4.2.12, thanks to Johan Van de Wauw
  * HDF5 1.10.0, thanks to Gilles Filippini
  * SpatiaLite 4.3.0a & SpatiaLite-GUI 2.0.0-devel
  * LibKML 1.3.0 using upstream fork thanks to Rashad Kanavath
  * libLAS 1.8.1
  * GDAL 2.1.2
  * Shapelib 1.4.0
  * Spatialindex 1.8.5
  * OSSIM 1.8.20-3
  * PostGIS 2.3.1
  * JTS 1.14
  * Mapnik 3.0.12

Application updates:

  * GRASS 7.2.0
  * QGIS 2.14.11
  * QMapShack 1.7.2 & QLandKarteGT 1.8.1, thanks to Jaromír Mikeš
  * MapServer 7.0.4, MapCache 1.4.1 & TinyOWS 1.1.1
  * pgRouting 2.3.2 & osm2pgRouting 2.2.0
  * JOSM 11427 & JMapViewer 2.0, thanks to Felix Natter
  * Merkaartor 0.18.3
  * NCO 4.6.3
  * GPSPrune 18.6
  * osm2pgsql 0.92.0
  * osmosis 0.45
  * Routino 3.1.1, thanks to Uwe Steinmann
  * SAGA 2.3.1, thanks to Johan Van de Wauw
  * TileStache 1.51.5
  * Total Open Station 0.3.3, thanks to Matteo F. Vescovi

Removed packages:

  * gmt-gshhg (replaced by gmt-gshhg)
  * libgaiagraphics (no longer required for spatialite-gui)
  * librasterlite (replaced by librasterlite2)
  * openstreetmap-map-icons (no longer required for JOSM)
  * osmium (replaced by the new osmium family of packages)
  * tilelite (dead upstream)

Also thanks to Antonio Valentino for continuing to maintain his Python
packages, and my apologies to any contributors I failed to mention.

Kind Regards,


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