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Re: Bug#832161: RFP: gpsmaster -- application to create, view, edit and analyse GPX files

Hi Sebastian,

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 11:18:09AM +0200, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> How does gpsmaster compare to gpsprune and qmapshack? It seems to
> overlap with their functionality, and both are already available in Debian.
Maybe little background. The GPS device I own occasionally resets
itself. So, instead of having one segment track from the trip I have few
segment. The list of requirements I have from the software is:
 - remove some points from the track: close the home to protect my location
   when I publish the path and the gps drift from places when I stopped for
   a break without turning off the device
 - merge segments into one track
 - provide me the background map to remind me where I have been

As I've got back to Linux based workstation, first I've tried available
software, including the gpsprune. At first glance I cannot find required
functionality. Now I am digging through the documentation - maybe I would
be able to achieve what I want.

I've just run qmapshack. Again, at first glance I was unable to find what
I want. After some digging I've found what I need, but the interface is far
for comfortable to use.

If I would have a choice only from gpsprune and qmapshack I would try to
learn how to merge the segments in gpsmaster (stil keep trying), as the
points' removal is quite easy. The qmapshack makes from such basic operations
elaborate procedure requiring clicking through the few windows every time.

Contrary to the above, the gpsmaster is straightforward and intuitive to use.
It doesn't require any additional configuration. Run the ѕoftware, open the
track, the software fetcheѕ the map of the region. After one guess to click
one button visible on the toolbar to enable a side toolbar, the new options
are available. As a bonus, there are quite nice trip stats visible.

> The gpsmaster project doesn't seem to use a bugtracker nor version
> control, so I'm doubting the maturity of this project.
There is a presence of .svn directory in the sources. So it is a high
chance the developer uses private subversion repository. I agree, lack
of bugtracker could be a drawback.

> Would you be willing to help co-maintain the gpsmaster package in Debian
> since the Debian GIS team is low on manpower?
Well, I used to have a Debian Maintainer status with a few packages under
my care. For last year I was unable to maintain them properly and all of them
are reported as RFA. Situation changed in a good way recently so I am going
to have a closer relation with Debian again. If the Debian GIS team is not
against the new package I will contact you again as soon as I will be ready
for a new commitment.

Best regards

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