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On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 7:09 PM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg <sebastic@xs4all.nl> wrote:
On 24-12-15 14:45, Rashad Kanavath wrote:
> Problem here. I had to import again because i recloned the sources.. :(.
> sorry for trouble.

I don't understand what went wrong.

Did you rebase over your merge commit? That's generally not a good idea,
but other than that I don't see what else could have gone wrong if you
follow the git packaging workflow documented in the policy (uscan, gbp
import-orig, etc).
yes i did rebase.. can you fix on your side.
Regarding the packaging, comments follow.

- debian/changelog

Regarding the packaging, the changelog is incorrect. It hasn't been
finalized for upload (distribution still set to UNRELEASED), and the
upstream version is incorrect (missing repacksuffix). The second
(latest) entry should be merged into the first because the first was
never uploaded. The second import of the upstream tarball is also
missing the repacksuffix, why didn't you use uscan to download and
repack it? If uscan complains that the tarball is already exists, delete
or rename it to let uscan do its job.

The first changelog entry set the distribution to experimental, do you
still want to upload there first?

if pushing to unstable is possible i want to move there.
- debian/README.source

Mentions GMT for Debian, should be OTB for Debian.

- debian/patches/spelling.patch

DEP3 syntax for the Authors field is incorrect. Folded values need start
with a space on the subsequent lines, like the copyright and control
files, see:
I will correct it.


You can also use multiple Author fields as documented in DEP3:


There were still more spelling errors reported by lintian. Are you still
not using the lintian pbuilder hook?
yes i am using pbuilder hooks just as mentioned in the policy. building via chroot does not invoke lintian for me. I do it after later on .changes file

I had the fix for other spelling issues in new files. I will merge them onto upstream by next week.


I've fixed these issues before, so it looks like the git changes mess
undid those.

- debian/patches/*

Please use the attached .quiltrc to have a consistent quilt format.

- debian/upstream/metadata

The Bug-Database field is commented out, are the OTB issues truly not
publicly viewable?
no. you can view issues without login. bug tracker is using mantis



Requiring login to the file bugs make sense, but not exposing a
read-only view of the bugs is a bit worrisome. This means it's not
possible to find bugreports (and their associated fixes) with a search
engine. By extension this means that we're on our own for otb bugs filed
in the Debian BTS, as we can't easily find the same issue reported upstream.

Why are the OTB issues not publicly viewable?

Kind Regards,


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