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Re: progress on building gpsdrive for Sid

Aron wrote:
>>> Can you let CMake expose the full command line of this step?

Yes, just figured out how to do that: in CMakeLists.txt add

>>> It looks like there aren't -lboost-system explicitly
>>> specified in the command.


> I don't know where's the actual code and packaging stuff that
> you are currently working on,

short summary: gpsdrive pkg in debian is horribly out of date,
I'm working on the ancient debian/ dir upstream before merging in
all the relevant improvements from DebianGIS's svn (also ancient
but less so).  Upstream's debian/ dir is current to the latest
program version but not the latest debian standards; DebianGIS's
debian/ dir is current with the latest debian standards but not
the latest version of the program. I'm trying to narrow the gap.


> but some CMake program uses TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES to generate
> a target, and you can add libraries there. But it's not for
> all, some more skilled CMake users may use more advanced way
> of linking.

ok, thanks, it links now(!), by adding -lboost_* within a dep
of the later TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES. FWIW the same treatment was also
needed for boost's thread lib.

-  find_package(Boost COMPONENTS filesystem REQUIRED)
+  find_package(Boost COMPONENTS filesystem system thread REQUIRED)


+    ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY}
+    ${Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY}
 endif (WITH_MAPNIK)



cheers for the quick solution,

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