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Re: Bug#588812: email munging in the archives

Hamish schrieb am Monday, den 13. December 2010:

> Hi,
> I notice that as the old archives have been sucked into the new home the
> email addresses are no longer spam-proofed:
>   http://lists.debian.org/debian-gis/2010/12/
> It's one thing if new posts will be exposed, we can always add a new
> disposable addresses just for this list; but it's quite another to open
> previous posts to the spammers, as we have no other choice than to abandon
> our long standing and 'til now long mostly-protected addresses, which
> is unacceptable as no opportunity to opt-out.
> how to fix that?
IMHO its too late, I just did what the alioth list admins told me. lists.d.o
doesn't have such a mechanism and even if it has, the archive got probably
already indexed from google. So I can only try to remove the archive, thats

> Andreas wrote:
> > One minor issue:  I have no idea about gmane nor whether this is really
> > needed - please care for it if needed.
> I have emailed Lars asking to have the migration done at Gmane.
> (... and I see that David has just done the same)
And I also did it...


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