On Mon, 3 Nov 2008 10:22:26 +0100,
"Francesco P. Lovergine" <frankie@debian.org> wrote:
On Sun, Nov 02, 2008 at 11:49:43AM -0600, Seb wrote:
The 2.6 version is needed by a few other important packages in my
system (e.g. maxima and gnuplot). Is there some way to build using
the available 2.8 version? For now, modifying control and rules as
suggested above allowed to move on:
Both 2.6 and 2.8 shared libs can cohexist at run-time. At building
time I would suggest you use a clean environment to build (e.g. use
pbuilder or sbuild). But for that, you should use wx-<version>-config
I'm not sure I follow you. Do you mean modifying the target
config-stamp in rules:
,-----[ rules (lines: 66 - 67) ]
| --with-wxwidgets=/usr/bin/wx-config \
If so, how? Thanks for the feedback.