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Re: [DebianGIS] grass 6.2.2-2 package still not building on sparc

On 17/09/07 01:39, Hamish wrote:
I notice that the grass 6.2.2-2 package is still not building on
sparc. http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/grass.html

Is the solution to remove libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev from control's
Build-depends list?


Isn't that required for nviz (which should be the only stuff that
requires opengl)?

No. I don't even have the package installed.

It looks mostly like just GLw stuff:

etch$ apt-file show libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/include/GL/GLwDrawA.h
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/include/GL/GLwMDrawA.h
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/include/GL/glx.h
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/include/GL/glx_mangle.h
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/include/GL/glxext.h
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/i686/cmov/libGL.a
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/i686/cmov/libGL.so
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/i686/cmov/libOSMesa.a
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/i686/cmov/libOSMesa.so
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/libGL.a
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/libGL.so
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/libGLw.a
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/libOSMesa.a
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/lib/libOSMesa.so
libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev: usr/share/doc/libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev/copyright

AFAIK the  libglu1-xorg-dev | xlibmesa-glu-dev  Build-depends are needed
for NVIZ's OpenGL though.

And here's what I have in my debian/control:

libgl1-mesa-swx11-dev || libgl1-mesa-dev

Don't know though if anything of libgl1-mesa-dev is needed ?


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