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Re: [DebianGIS] [GRASS-dev] 6.2.2 packages for Ubuntu Dapper ?

[Moritz Lennert]
> QGIS is completely absent from backports, and Sid has 0.8.0... How
> long do you think it will take for 0.8.1 to appear in lenny ? 0.9.0
> is about to come out as well...

I have no idea how long it will take, but wanted to add a small point
related to your question.

The Debian GIS subproject is seriously lacking manpower, there are
very few people involved, and those involved have very limited time to
spend on Debian GIS.  So we need more people with time to spend on the
maintenance.  Feedback on what packages are most important is valuable
too.  We need someone to write a regular status update (2-3 times a
year) to the Debian announce list, to draw attention to the project
and hopefully attract more developers, and we need someone to work
with upstream to get them to make it easier to maintain their packages
in Debian.

With only 3-4 active people and each with limited time, there is much
left to do.  Please help out with patches, svn updates, testing, bug
reporting etc.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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