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[DebianGIS] Debconf7 meeting minutes

Hello folks

A very restricted :) meeting among some d-gis folks just happened in EDI.
We collected a few ideas and to-do things of interest for the project:


A the same time, a reporting page for novelties about the project
is on


and contributions are very welcome.

I'm starting to prepare an official summer 'Bits from DebianGis' announce 
as promised in the meeting based on that and my memory.

For people who hates linking and wiking around :) this is the text of the minutes:


A restricted DebianGis meeting happened in Edimburgh at last day of DC7 2007-06-23 15:00+0100. 
People from DebianGis team present were FrancescoPaoloLovergine, PaulWise, Petter Reinholdtsen. 
Also present Andreas Tille, of DebianMed.

We brainstormed about the status of the project and possible improvements.

    * Lack of  human resources is a major problem  for DebianGis as well
    as other  sub-projects in Debian.  We need to improve  the situation
    and concentrate  efforts where  they are  really required.  It needs
    some  promotion, blogging  and stuff  to  be more  sexy for  general
    developers and possibly free GIS folks community.

    * It is better to drop the current DebianGis archive, which has also
    issues  due  to  debpool  defects, just  to  use  backports.org  for
    backporting stuff, which also  provides multi-arch buildd support. A
    few  packages still  missing in  main and  present in  the DebianGis
    archive need to be moved into  SVN before that. Their current status
    is unknown.

    * The  new DebianLive  project can  be used  for producing  some new
    DebianGis live-CD on regular or so basis.

    *  Preparing regular  reports for  d-d-a every  6 months  or so  for
    recruitment of new  interested people and show the  global status of
    the project to all interested parties.

    * Maintaining a wiki page to collect things done when they are done,
    in order  to prepare the half-year  status report. That page  is now

    * Starting  working on Java  stuff before the  java-in-main happens,
    just to be prepaired for that.  Packages can be uploaded to contrib,
    then moved to main.

    * Collecting CPAN perl stuff to be packaged for freegis developers.

    * Collecting Python stuff ?

    * Frankie is working on [WWW] ossim and possibly [WWW] paraview.

    *  Running  piuparts on  all  d-gis  packages for  QA  maintainance.
    Frankie is waiting a project box for that and possibly other project
    maintainance uses.

    * Proposals for [WWW] DebianGis status page improvements:

          o adding a column for testing
          o adding BTS stuff (RC bugs for instance) for all packages of interest
          o adding secondary dependencies in order to know what external blockers 
            (non DebianGis) could be  around that we need to push by means of a QA action.


Francesco P. Lovergine

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