[DebianGIS] Debian GIS: livecd or CDD
I'm seeing a lot of discussion about Debian GIS CDD.
The ideia of a livecd is good, but there are lots of Knoppix clones with Debian GIS packages already done. Anyway, now Debian is currently making a official livecd and maybe we can use it like our base for development. I think that making a livecd is easier than building a CDD (my opinion). BTW: I currently maintain a livecd distro... :-)
BTW2: making a livecd installable is not very hard to do.
Community Opinion: What is better for Debian GIS a live-cd, CDD (install) version, or none?
Christian dos Santos Ferreira
Oceanographer. Msc.
Lab. of Geological Oceanography
Federal University of Rio Grande (FURG)
Rio Grande - RS - Brazil
Tel +55 (53) 32336586
Website: http://poseidon.furg.br
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