[DebianGIS] libgdal-grass bug?
PS: Radim Blazek, the author, wrote that:
-lgrass_vect -lgrass_dig2 -lgrass_dgl -lgrass_rtree -lgrass_linkm
-lgrass_dbmiclient -lgrass_dbmibase
should be included in LIBS = in the Makefile
All the best.
When trying to read a grass vector, I get:
~$ ogrinfo
-ro /home/Documenti/datigrass/Mondo_LatLong/PERMANENT/vector/europa/head
Warning 1: GRASS warning: GISBASE enviroment variable was not set, using:
ogrinfo: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/gdalplugins/ogr_GRASS.so: undefined
symbol: Vect_set_fatal_error
Is this a bug? Should I report it?
All the best.
Paolo Cavallini
email+jabber: cavallini@faunalia.it
Piazza Garibaldi 5 - 56025 Pontedera (PI), Italy Tel: (+39)348-3801953
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