[DebianGIS] Re: gdal bug with new lib patch
[Jon Saints]
> I confirmed:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=349562
> Seems that the gdal source code we uploaded with the new gdal 1.3.1
> is a patched version of the source (with our libname changes) and
> not a fresh copy so the patch fails on building gdal package from
> source.
Wow, how could that happen? Did the uploader forget to make sure the
upstream tarball was available in ../?
> Could someone with access upload a new copy of gdal source with an
> original GDALmake.opt.in as it comes from Frank then our patch
> should apply without trouble.
That is impossible. It is impossible to replace the source tarball in
the archive. A new tarball with a new name/version need to be
uploaded. Not sure how to best handle this. I guess reuploading with
upstream version set to 1.3.1orig or something like that should work.
Petter Reinholdtsen
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