Re: [DebianGIS] libgdal renaming
On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 10:01 +0100, Silke Reimer wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 09, 2006 at 10:22:14AM -0800, Jon Saints wrote:
> > Lets clarify and visualize the process...
> >
> > 1. We patch our own gdal 1.3.1 sources and rename the actual library to
> include the version number
> > 2. upload packages to debian
> > 3. recompile all realted software once only (mapserver, qgis etc)
> > (*** will we need to patch these sources also to find the right gdal library? **)
> > 4. A new gdal 1.3.2 comes out
> > 5. we patch the gdal sources and name the new library 1.3.2
> > 6. upload to debian
> > 7. mapserver and qgis will continue to run as is. They can upgrade to
> new gdal at their leisure because old gdal library 1.3.1 will still be in
> the debian repository.
> >
> > Does any one see any problems with the process? If we would need to
> > also patch mapserver and qgis sources inorder to use
> > instead of then I dont think this is a good way to do it.
> If we patch gdal-config as well it probably won't be necessary to patch
> other packages. But I see another point that could be difficult: It won't
> be possible to install more than on gdal-dev or gdal-bin package since the
> binaries still havn't the version number included. Is this a problem?
I don't see a problem with requiring only one version of gdal-bin. Maybe
we can use the alternatives system to have concurrent installs of
different gdal-config versions.
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