[DebianGIS] Re: team
[Paolo Cavallini]
> I have read yesterday an interesting thread:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/12/msg01034.html
> where team maintenance is suggested as a way to speed up things. This point
> has also been raised a few times on this list. What do DD think about this?
> If this is not a good solution, are there better suggestions?
As you probably know, I m very positive to team maintenence, to
increase the chance of someone having time to take care of problems
when they arise. But the successful teams I've participated in had
one person coordinating and pushing the development forward, with
regular status reports, call for IRC meetings, etc. We should have
those as well to make sure everyone involved is pulling in the same
I have that role in too many projects already, and am not willing to
take it in this project too. :
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